visit lodi blogs

One of the main duties I have at Visit Lodi is to craft up not only a schedule of blogs, but to carefully craft meaningful content that can be optimized for search in hopes of attracting visitors to our destination.

My philosophy on blogging is to be conversational. I’m talking to the audience in a way that I want to be talked to conversationally over dinner and drinks, or in Lodi’s case, a glass of wine! I chose topics in hopes of either educating a potential visitor on various options or activities in town, or educated them about wine (since it’s such an important part of the destination).

It’s also my goal to push visitors to a few things. First off, our visitor’s guide, which is free to anyone, but lists more information and options than any blog would.  If I’ve moved them here from a blog, I know they are more than interested in us as a destination. Also push back to partners, so each mention of businesses should be linked back for someone to explore more information or peruse a website or social account.

Finally, and most importantly, our hotels. As we are funded by hotels, it’s key to write to the potential visitor who could stay overnight. So it’s creatively trying to plug hotels in blogs, that might otherwise have nothing to do with staying overnight.

Below are some examples of blogs I’ve written for Visit Lodi: